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[The movie “Saco And Vanzetti” is one of the most forgettable films you can find. It is a wooden rendition of old postcards come alive with earnest workingmen and police, scheming prosecutors progressing without a larger viewpoint of any kind. A movie “Free And Critter” would be more interesting.]

But what’s key about Saco and Vanzetti is that the justice system always places within its false dualities. There is the dual fear. On the other hand, will the defendant be treated fairly or unfairly? On the other hand, was he truly guilty, was the deed connected with the wider struggle or a sense “individual” lashing out? And always, the court moves with its grinding logic. The District Attorney makes a mockery of any freedom of lifestyle within America – and reminds us that the freedom to hold opinions, to identify with particular groups, has never guaranteed. The District Attorney reminds us that we are all characters of our environment and like any animals, we can be hunted by our habits, our experience and our emotions. ]

And the drama of the criminal protest film just as much puts these frailties on display with only earnest courage as an answer. Worse than the fate of Saco and Vanzetti is that we still live in this world of justice.

The psycho-geography of desolation and despair can be documented by filming houses and apartment buildings. Here we can show the condition of everyone. Compare a modern world of managed consumption to the older world of managed production.